First Causality

Came home from work today and was looking over the tank, when I couldn’t find one of my Reef Chromis. That isn’t too uncommon, because they do hide in the rocks a lot. But then I found it. Dead on the bottom with a couple Hermits making a meal out of him.

I shooed them away and scooped him out. Didn’t want him to be stinking up my tank, plus I didn’t feel like watching them eat my fish.

I immediately got out my test kits and did a check on the tank and it showed all levels were good, same with salinity.

Did some reading into Chromis and discovered that when kept in small groups, they tend to bully a smaller or slower one, no letting it eat, or just bully it to death. That is what I’m thinking happened.

My question to you is: Have you had a similar experience with Chromis bullying one to death?

One thought on “First Causality

  1. Sorry to hear about your fish and hope you get some more information from fellow bloggers. It’s good that your water tests came out well, there’s obviously nothing you could have done.

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