LFS Spotting: Flame Angel

This time around at the LFS I spotted this flame angel. Not only are these awesome looking and colorful fish, but I love the way they move around. This is one I defiantly want to look into stocking in my tank. 

Here is a couple of pictures and some information about the flame angel.
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level
: Moderate
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Reef Compatible: With Caution
Max. Size: 4″
Color Form: Blue, Orange, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore

2 thoughts on “LFS Spotting: Flame Angel

  1. Very cool fish, but it can be a difficult one to keep. I tried once so far and it died within 3 days. I was told by some other aquarists that these fish are caught in the wild using a strange method involving cyanide. This can cause them to die weeks later unexpectantly.

    • Hmmm… I haven’t heard that before. Would make sense. From what I gathered, they were a rather hardy and easy fish. However, I just had a second one die. He was the first one who has shunned from the group and hid in a cave 24/7, so maybe he was just starved and bullied. I’ll be watching them a lot more closely now, and don’t think I would keep anymore.

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